When you mentioned that there was another set of paw prints next to Kiko's...I thought you were going to reveal that she had kittens. But finding out she has made a friend is equally delightful.

We have a family of foxes that play in my parent's front garden and it sets off the motion lights all the time. My dad says it's like a disco, the lights are constantly flashing on and off! Separately, we have a very large hedgehog in the garden who occasionally visits as well.

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I love this! Your house is the neighborhood dance hall!

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Winter is not my jam and this winter has been brutal. We are hunkering down for yet another snowstorm. This one is a Nor'easter which always does the most damage. We are dealing with over development and the local animals are being pushed out of their natural living places. During rutting season, our door alarm camera caught two deer . . um . . rutting in the middle of the street. I was embarrassed for them, poor dear deers. Climate change can have lots of unintended consequences.

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I feel more and more sorry for what we have done to animals.

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Thank you for a few moments of respite and appreciation of our backyards.

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Thank you for reading my musings, Alice!

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Ah delightful 💖💖💖

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I hope it makes you feel cooler!

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Yes, it’s pretty hot here this week! The snow looks terrific.

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Pretty sure those strange "tracks" are leaves...but when you're looking for tracks, that's what you expect to see, so why not? But, if not, they are goose or duck tracks.

I feed bluebirds. They show up pretty much every morning early, and about 4 in the afternoon. as soon as I see one, I bring out the dried mealworms and put them close to the house while I watch over them and shoo off the starlings. I've had up to 3 dozen bluebirds this winter at a time. They are so pretty and I'm so happy to have them. However, they eat at least one full bag of mealworms a week and that costs $16/for a small bag. Plus I feed the other birds sunflower seed and hot pepper suet for woodpeckers. The squirrels, etc. won't touch the hot pepper seed or suet. I highly

recommend it. Now I can't stop. I've been feeding them for 25 winters, at least. When it's really snowy and icey, the birds have nowhere to eat or drink. I also have a warm water heater for the birds on the front porch. They all love it, and amazingly, try to take baths even in the winter. I'm afraid they will freeze when they get out, but my bird guy at Wild Birds Unlimited, said they are just getting the dirt and insects off and won't freeze.

And same w/your animals around the barn. The barn gives them some warmth and hopefully they can dig up some seed or food around there. The geese are there for safety and water when all else is frozen.

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I love this! And the bluebirds must love you. I avoid feeding the birds because I don’t want my cat Kiko to get any ideas!

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Thank you for making me smile today. Love your writings.

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Thank you for reading, sweet friend!

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Ooooo…..I love this…one of these days, I must see this magic land in person. The pond, horizon, and you beckon.

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You would be welcome anytime!

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With a grateful heart for your backyard wintry wonderland respite from all those other headlines. ☃️

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That is the point, of course. Even my hair can’t be on fire all the time!

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Sex, violence, relationship issues, it’s all here in your article. Facebook was trying to protect society, yea right, shame on you Facebook. Well done Maura.

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I miss the seasons!

Loved this essay.

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Could your mystery tracks be from wild turkeys?

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I love winter! (I also know many find this strange.)

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Wonderful take on this never-ending winter!

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Very endearing and so very observant of you!

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Lovely! I enjoy living with four seasons (in NE Ohio), but I do feel disconnected with nature in the winter as I tend to experience it from behind glass. I should pay closer attention!

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Where in NE Ohio do you live? That is where I am from. (Born in Ravenna. Grew up in Kent, Cuyahoga Falls, & Talmadge b4 my parents moved us all East.)

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I'm in Youngstown. Work in Warren. We lived in Tallmadge when I was in kindergarten, but then moved to eastern NY for several years. Back to Canton when I was in junior high. I have memories of tons of snow when we lived in New York!

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My cousin lives & taught SpEd in Warren for many years. There's a great song on Youtube to the tune of Country Roads called, North East Ohio (Roads?).

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Thank you Maura for a delightful moment of time out with you in your snow reveals. My first thought when I saw the title was, "Oh, she is going to write about all the types of pollution in the snow." But I soon forgot my first thought and was in such a joyful place reading about the animals.

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